Understand trauma-informed principles

Trauma-informed principles help us understand the impact that trauma can have in the communities where we work. There are six trauma-informed principles that guide a trauma-informed approach (SAMHSA, 2014). Click here to learn more.

Building on these principles, Trauma-Transformed developed the following principles for Trauma-Informed Systems (TIS).

Create a space to develop shared understandings

  • The impact of trauma is widespread.

  • Many people we interact with on a daily basis experience trauma.

  • We may have our own experiences of trauma.

  • These experiences can shape a person's perspective and relationships.

To learn more about the impact of trauma, please visit the module: Trauma 101.

Establish common ground

  • Create places where people feel safe

  • Nurture relationships that support healing.

  • Support each other and work towards similar goals

  • Grow partnerships that will support our work.

Adopting a trauma-informed approach

Here are ways teams can commit to these principles:

  • Recognize our own trauma, beliefs, biases and strengths.

  • Promote safe, stable, and trusting relationships.

  • Create dependable, healthy, and compassionate places of work.

  • Empower others.

  • Listen for stories that hold trauma in place or support healing.

  • Provide spaces for recovery to happen.

  • Meet people where they are at.

  • Develop more inclusive spaces.

  • Promote curiosity and open-mindedness.

Expand understanding of TIPs with partners

  • Talk about how you understand each principle.

  • Explore how these principles could look like in practice.

  • Discuss potentially complicated issues.

  • Develop shared language.

  • Create a document to promote mutual understanding.

  • Establish regular learning and check-in meetings.

Use the following template to imagine how the principles could look in practice. Printable version here .

For a detailed explanation of these principles look here. 

En Español aquí, para más información aquí.

To refresh or learn more about the trauma-informed approaches, please visit the module: Trauma Informed Approaches.