Create spaces to listen to others’ lived experiences

Creating spaces to listen and share stories to connect and learn from each other.

  • Inform our work.

  • Build community

  • Identify common threads.

  • Gain different and useful perspectives.

Foster opportunities for dialogue and exchange to happen.

  • Recognize expertise.

  • Empower by taking time to actively listen.

  • Apply what you are learning to develop strategies.

“If you want to go fast, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together”

— African Proverb

Storytelling is a form of healing-centered engagement

Storytelling can shift from a deficit-based mental health model. It can expand possibilities and restore well-being. Remember there are many forms of storytelling, for example music, art, quilting.

When we focus on strengths stories we are better able to:

  • develop connection,

  • support healing and resilience, and

  • provide hope.

Stories become a tool to support our practice.

Stories help:

- Integrate learning into what we do in our work and lives.

- Bring trauma-informed principles to life in a real and concrete way.

Click here to read more about how storytelling can help integrate trauma-informed principles into practice.

Click here to listen to stories from people integrating trauma-informed principles in their work.

Stories can be shared in many ways, some are written, some are told and others are shared through songs. Here’s an example of collectively bringing light against domestic violence. (In Spanish, English subtitles). Another example here.