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Domestic Violence Defined

In this presentation, Patricia Duncan Hall and Kathryn Burroughs present information about domestic violence with a particular focus on the child’s point of view.



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Dr. Chamberlain Part 1 – Trauma and Potential for Healing

Childhood Exposure to Violence and Early Brain Development Series Part I. Trauma and the Potential for Healing.

In this presentation, Dr. Linda Chamberlain provides a brief overview of the health effects of childhood exposure to violence. She also highlights practical strategies & promising practices that are making a difference for children who experience trauma.


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Dr. Chamberlain Part 2 – The Impact of Violence on Children’s Health

Childhood Exposure to Violence and Early Brain Development Series Part II. The Impact of Violence on Children’s Health: Recognizing the Consequences and Creating a Community Safety Net.

In this presentation Dr. Linda Chamberlain discusses the impact of violence on children's health. In addition, she shares how to recognize the consequences of violence and the importance of creating a community safety net of evidenced-based promising practices for families experiencing domestic violence.

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Identification and Assessment of Children and Youth Exposure to DV

Dr. Jeffrey Edleson shares the importance of appropriate assessment and identification of intimate partner violence for improving family safety and well-being.





A Resilience Framework for Working with Children Exposed To Domestic Violence

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Strengths-Based Practice with Children, Youth, and Families

 In his presentation, Dr. Michael Ungar shares strengths-based interventions with children, youth, and families to nurture connections across cultures and contexts. 

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Nurtured Heart Approach

Promoting Resilience for Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence

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Advocacy Beyond Leaving: Working with Families in Contact

Advocacy Beyond Leaving: Working with Families in Contact

In this presentation, Jennifer Rose and Fernando Mederos explore working with families who have experienced domestic violence and remain in contact.

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Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence 101 presented by Tatiana Colón.

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It’s in Their Culture – Cultural Considerations in Domestic Violence

Following this presentation, consider the following questions:
1) How do we become more aware of our own biases, prejudices, and positional power?
2) What ways might we listen and gather information from the people we serve in a culturally sensitive way?
3) How do we balance deficits with strengths and what works in a family?
4) How do we better connect people to support in the community?
5) How can we help people negotiate change in the context of their individual values and experiences?

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