What is Human Trafficking? 


Take a few minutes to reflect on what human trafficking meangs to you. What do you think of when you hear the term “trafficking?” What stories come to mind? 


On a piece of paper, write down or draw about some of your thoughts. We will reflect on and tie back to these thoughts later in the training. 


Definition of Human Trafficking: 

Human trafficking is the illegal exploitation of human beings for the purposes of forced or coerced labor or sexual activities. Through this module, we will more deeply explore the different ways in which communities and laws define the issue of human trafficking, tools to best equip us in understanding its impact on individuals and communities, and how we as providers and allies can support survivors. 

Human Trafficking Facts and Statistics:

In 2018, Polaris, a national human trafficking research and resource center, took a close look at over 10 years worth of data from the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline to break down broad categories of human trafficking to help identify trends, risk factors, methods of control, and other variables that allow this crime to manifest across the country. 

“To end human trafficking in the United States, we first have to truly understand how it affects real people, in real time, and who can and should play a role in ending it.”

- Polaris Project

Click here to download the 2018 Statistics from the National Human Trafficking Hotline factsheet.