Sanctuary Tools

S.E.L.F. Framework = Safety, Emotions, Loss and Future

The S.E.L.F. Framework is a trauma informed non-linear way of organizing conversations and approaches to solving system and organizational problems in an easy to understand way that also acknowledges complexity. Safety, Emotions, Loss and Future represent the four dynamic areas of focus for trauma recovery.


For more information, click on the link below:

Click here to download more information about the S.E.L.F. Framework.

Seven Commitments

The Seven Commitments are a set of interdependent system of values, beliefs and practices that guide the thinking, planning and action of all community members. In their totality, they describe an ideal environment to promote health and well being. The Seven Commitments apply to everyone.

  1. Nonviolence – helping to build safety skills and a commitment to higher purpose

  2. Emotional Intelligence - helping to teach emotional management skills

  3. Social Learning – helping to build cognitive skills

  4. Open Communication – helping to overcoming barriers to healthy communication, learn conflict management, reduce acting-out, enhance self-protective and self-correcting skills, teach healthy boundaries

  5. Democracy – helping to create civic skills of self-control, self-discipline, and administration of healthy authority

  6. Social Responsibility  – helping to rebuild social connection skills, establish healthy attachment relationships, establish sense of fair play and justice

  7. Growth and Change – helping to work through loss and prepare for the future

This video shares how one organization incorporates the Seven Commitments in their work:

Click to view this video from the Child & Adolescent Residential Program at Philhaven, an organization that is certified in the Sanctuary Model. The seven commitments provides guidance to leaders, staff, clients and their families.